Orban at Cabsat 2019
Interview at Broadcast Asia 2018
CIRT Show 2018 - Mexico City

Orban at the NAB Show 2018 in Las Vegas

Eric Small - April 10, 1946 - March 15, 2018
Eric Small was an innovative broadcast engineer who helped move broadcast technology forward in consulting, technical marketing, and manufacturing roles. He was involved with Orban in the mid-70s in a marketing and technical consulting capacity. When Bob Orban showed him the prototype of the Optimod 8000A with its non-overshooting lowpass filters, he immediately grasped its potential as an industry game-changer and helped commercialize it by showing Orban, then a studio products company, how to do bullet-proof EMI-resistant packaging and how to get the processor/stereo generator package approved by the FCC by making it look like a composite STL, which the Commission had just sanctioned. READ MORE
Orban Wins "Best of Show" at IBC 2017
The OPTIMOD-FM 8700i audio processor won Radio World International's NewBay "Best of Show" Award at the 2017 IBC Show in Amsterdam!

Total Solar Eclipse - August 21, 2017
Photos By Mike Pappas - Orban VP Business Development